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A Day in the Life of a Berkshire Student

Hi! I’m Stella, and I go to Berkshire School. Here is Monday in my life!

Normally, I wake up around 7:00-7:15, or at least try to. I will probably lay in my bed for a little while doing nothing and then actually get up around 7:30. On Week 1 Mondays, I have no frees so my schedule is jam-packed. I get to start the day off right with AP Lang with Mr. Miller, which is by far my favorite class. Then, we have an All-School Meeting. From then on, all of my classes blur together into one big blob. The only thing I could actually tell you about my day is probably what was for lunch; it was chicken Caesar wraps. 

After class, I carry myself to tennis practice. I am on the varsity tennis team, and when the weather is nice, it is so fun. Right now, it is cold and dark, so tennis is not fun. Not to mention, it is solar eclipse day!! We are in a 94% zone, so at 3:26, the sky got really dark like it was about to rain. To be honest, the solar eclipse was really underwhelming for all of the attention it got, but it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience!! (I guess).  Tennis normally ends around 5:30 after a good two-hour practice, and by then I am starving. Straight from tennis, everyone walks to the Jack (which is where our temporary dining hall is) and eats dinner. Most of the time for dinner I will make a bagel if the main meal is unappealing, or a good sandwich. 

After dinner, I head back to the dorm, take a shower, and check my Veracross to see what homework I have. I only had a lot of AP US History, which means I need to head over to Geier Library. At 7:00 I have dorm duty, meaning I just have to run check-ins and visitation with my dorm parent till 7:45. After check-in is over, I walk over to Berkshire Hall to run the Writing Center. The Writing Center is the English Department’s student-run tutoring center. I have been a Writing Center tutor for a year now, and we frequently get visitors on a Monday night. I leave the Writing Center to walk to the Library and finish off whatever homework I have left. 

At 10:00, I have check-in, and lights out is at 11:00 (although it is only lightly enforced). Personally, I need my beauty sleep, so I like to be in bed by 11:00, but that is a rare thing in my dorm. Otherwise, that concludes a day in my life at Berkshire!

Written by Stella Schafer '25

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