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Battle of the Dances: MISH vs. Spring Fling

As spring blooms and the school year inches closer to its end, Pelicans eagerly await the School’s two highly anticipated spring dances: MISH and Spring Fling. While both are highly regarded, the debate rages on regarding which one reigns supreme.


Spring Fling is a staple in our school’s calendar, with some Pelicans planning their outfits weeks in advance. The allure of dressing up and dancing the night away with friends is undeniable. The deans, alongside SNL, work to transform the venue into a joyous atmosphere complete with festive lights, snacks, and, of course, a DJ.


For many, Spring Fling represents the quintessential high school dance—a chance to let loose and celebrate the bonds forged throughout the academic year. From the anticipation to the thrill of showing off your dance moves, there’s a certain magic in the air during Spring Fling.


On the other hand, MISH offers something entirely different—an element of surprise and spontaneity that no other dance can match. Picture this: you’re sitting in Chapel, going through the motions, singing hymns, listening to talks, when suddenly, the Missionary Society announces that MISH is upon us. The collective gasp of excitement that fills the room is palpable.


With MISH comes the promise of a day off from school—an unexpected gift students eagerly embrace. It’s a chance to break free from the monotony of Schoolhouse and Lindsay, and, instead, bask in the warm weather and vibes of spring at SPS. Whether spent lounging, hitting up Spike Ball on Chapel Lawn, or simply catching up on much-needed rest, MISH offers a welcome reprieve from the rigors of St. Paul’s life.


While both Spring Fling and MISH have their merits, there’s something undeniably special about the MISH. MISH embodies the spirit of spontaneity and adventure, injecting a burst of excitement into the sometimes mundane routine of St. Paul’s life. The element of surprise adds an extra layer of thrill, making it a truly memorable experience for all involved.


Moreover, the gift of a day off from school is a rare and cherished privilege that students eagerly anticipate each year. It’s a chance to recharge, rejuvenate, and indulge in activities that bring joy and relaxation. In a world filled with deadlines and obligations, MISH offers a precious opportunity to hit the pause button and savor the simple pleasures of life.


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