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Behind the Scenes of SNL

Behind every Saturday night dance, feed, open mic and any other grand event stands a group of people orchestrating a complex operation. Meet the dedicated team behind the scenes at St. Paul's Saturday Night Life, or SNL. They're the unsung heroes, tirelessly working to ensure every detail is flawless and every moment unforgettable. 

With meticulous planning and unwavering dedication, they transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, making every event a spectacle of entertainment. But who, exactly, is on this impactful committee? 

“We have a very diverse collection of members,” says Sarah Ernst ‘24. “Some individuals from every friend group on campus.” Mighty Associate Dean of Students Kyle Losardo leads the charge and commands the entire operation. This group meets in the publications room every Monday at 7:30 pm to discuss their plans. “Mr. Losardo often comes up with the initial idea,” says Ernst, “and we add comments based on what the student body wants. This process always ensures an excellent event.” 

However, the ball is sometimes taken out of students’ hands when it comes to the specific logistics of events. “We can help come up with the general event, but when it comes to the logistics, it’s a push and pull,” says Lucas Conrod ‘25. “Sometimes, we get denied, so we need to compromise.” At the end of the day, the Dean of Students office ultimately has the final say in large community events. 

The members of SNL always have great fun organizing these events for the community. Conrod says his favorite SNL event was “the Red, White, and Blue dance,” which was “a huge success. Everyone contributed, everyone helped, and everyone created an awesome experience.” Ernst adds that “Pink Bash was a BASH TO REMEMBER.”


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