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Best Place to Get a Snack During the Academic Day

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you have Hum Flex free or just got out of class a few minutes early, and your stomach is rumbling? If this has ever been the case for you, this article will be a treat as I introduce you to the different places of the academic quad where you can acquire a delicious or healthy snack.

Firstly, there is Lindsay, with the food located at the bottom of stairwell three, adjacent to Mrs. Hrasky’s classroom. In this corner lies a fridge and three baskets normally filled with food. The fridge contains bagels, cream cheese, and often fruit like oranges or apples.  While this is fairly consistent, the snacks in the baskets are quite the opposite. Oftentimes, on Saturdays, the bowls are empty, and the snacks vary from breakfast bars to fruit snacks. 

Then, there is the second floor of Schoolhouse. Near the water fountain, you will find a chair with a basket containing many different types of snacks. Early in the morning, you can find savory breakfast foods such as Belvita cookies. Later in the afternoon, you can find Cheez-Its and chips. If you are craving something a little sweeter, head next door to Rector Giles’s office. Chat with the Rector for a few minutes and grab candy and other sweet treats. 

Although technically not part of the academic quad, the Crumpacker Gallery offers a variety of sugary snacks. Oftentimes, when visiting artists’ works are on display, there will be cookies, cupcakes, and candy.

Students have differing opinions about the snacks. Diego Davalos ‘24 feels that “Schoolhouse definitely has the best snacks. My favorites are the Welch’s fruit snacks.” While Chappy Carroll ‘27 thinks that “The snacks in Lindsay are the best because they are morning snacks, and classes are earlier in the day.” Although it is debatable which station has the best to offer, the students of SPS are blessed to have access to a variety of snacks throughout the academic day.

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