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Bring Back the Caesar Salad Wrap!

Graphic by Julia Koeman '25

The Spring Term is always bittersweet. Days at the docks, spring sports, the sun out past 4 p.m. galore, but we also confront the difficult moments of saying goodbye to our Sixth Formers, and for the Fifth Formers, the challenges of writing both “The God of Small Things” and Capstone papers. However, we have all suffered one tremendous loss this term: the Kwok chicken Caesar salad wrap.


I know what you may be thinking, it’s nothing more than lettuce and an overload of dressing on a basic tough and cold tortilla wrap, but to that I would ask you to dig a little deeper. Reflect back to all the times you’ve spent in Friedman, watching groups of students sharing laughs, tears, and intense conversations over the simple and delectable delight of a chicken Caesar salad wrap. Students are crushed, to say the least. Nel Peter ‘25 has been hit extra hard by the sudden, inconceivable lack of Caesar salad wraps. In fact, when I went to interview Peter, she gasped before exclaiming, “It is abominable that the chicken Caesar salad wrap has been ripped from the hungry mouths of St. Paul’s students.” I think I might have even seen a tear begin to form in Peter’s eye. “It was the highlight of my day” says LeLe Gibbs ‘24, who strongly echoed Peter’s sentiments and confidently called the unexpected removal of the Caesar salad wrap “the tragedy of the century.” 

Listen, I am all for the Kwok revamp, but the rise in prices isn’t the only thing that has shocked the student body; the removal of one of the only non-fried options has hit our campus hard. Don’t Ms. Mumford’s weekly “Food for Thought” emails encourage us to eat more greens and lettuce? Have our parents not told us to eat our greens for the entirety of our lives? Without the Caesar salad wrap, those greens, that are imperative to all our wellbeing, are hard to come by. Peace cannot be restored until the chicken Caesar salad wrap is back on the Kwok menu. 


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