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Conley Bohan '24 Sets a New School Record

Photo by Declan Schweizer '24

On a rainy Wednesday, what started as a typical Boys Varsity Lacrosse game for team captain Conley Bohan ‘24 ended with an unprecedented school record: Boys Lacrosse Career Points. In just 38 games with the Big Red, Bohan recorded 77 goals and 68 assists, propelling him past the 140-point mark and into the St. Paul’s Athletics record book. 

The news came as a surprise to Bohan, who said he “actually didn’t know” about the record until Athletic Director Chris Smith congratulated him on the achievement after the game. 

Bohan’s point tally speaks directly to his strength on the field, but Bohan also credits his success to “the guys that surround me on the field,” like alumni Ryan Doherty ‘23, who was the other half of an unstoppable offensive duo for two years. 

As a faculty kid whose father, Chief Advancement Officer Scott Bohan, coached the Boys Varsity Lacrosse team, Bohan grew up going to games. “I looked forward to playing on the team after all those years of being the little guy on the sidelines, looking up to all the players. It was pretty special to finally be a part of that.” 

Bohan’s success on the field doesn’t end with his career point tally. Even though Boys Varsity Lacrosse team couldn’t secure a championship in his senior season, Bohan’s lacrosse career will continue as he moves on to play at the collegiate level with the Trinity College Bantams. “Obviously, I’m very sad that I will be losing a big piece of my life when I graduate from St. Paul’s,” Bohan says, “but I couldn’t be more excited to be moving on to Trinity.”

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