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From Snow to Sun: Dramatic Climate Changes

Students arriving on campus for the start of the Spring Term were greeted by paths covered with thick blankets of fresh snow, with white borders outlining the branches of trees and bushes. However, within the first three days of classes, the grass unveiled itself and the Spring season began to bloom. These dramatic climatic changes are not typical displays of New Hampshire weather. In fact, snow during April is quite unconventional. So what are the reasons behind these drastic weather fluctuations? 

These fluctuations in weather can only be explained by one phenomenon: climate change. According to NASA, since the Industrial Revolution, humans have contributed disproportionately to the exhaustion of toxic fumes, including carbon dioxide, methane and other gases that trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. This aggravates extreme weather cycles, triggering unpredictable and dangerous climates such as drenching rains, severe floods, years-long droughts, extreme wildfires, and sudden snowfall such as was received on campus. 

New Hampshire has historically proven to be one of the snowiest states in the nation. However, despite the spring snow, in recent years, the amount of snowfall has been progressively decreasing. The 2023-2024 year marks the sixth year with subpar levels of snow on the grounds. Despite students’ pining for the warm arrival of Spring, these below-average snowfall statistics concern the SPS community. They illustrate the consequences of global warming and the negative impacts of climate change. 

Dramatic weather changes may not be the only surprises encountered at SPS due to climate change. These climatic oscillations may also trigger a loss of species diversity in the natural marine and forest ecosystems around campus, and potential droughts during the summer months. Although the school grounds are beautifully maintained, climate change and its various implications means more resources will be required to preserve the natural beauty of the SPS campus. 

Even though these consequences seem isolated to the far future, some of the impacts have already gone into effect at SPS and around the world. Therefore, the student body must strive to live eco-friendly lives to contribute to solving the climate crisis. 


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