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Introducing Yoga Club

Looking for an exciting new activity to try at SPS? Join Maude Niemann ‘25 and Luce Benetton ‘25 at Yoga Club at 7 pm on Thursdays.

After trying yoga for the first time in fitness last spring, Niemann says she fell in love with it and attended many classes over the summer. Niemann and Benetton founded the SPS Yoga Club at the beginning of the year and have gradually built their follower base to around fifteen regular members. They explain that anybody can sign up for the email list via SPS Connected or simply drop into a session.

“I practice yoga to heal both my body and my mind,” says Niemann. Since she started practicing yoga regularly, Niemann says she has been happier and less stressed. She also claims that she has become more flexible since beginning yoga, which has helped her in athletics. Niemann recommends yoga for everybody. “It is an excellent way to improve your mood while also moving your body.”

Yoga club sessions are instructed by Dean of Student Support Kate Daniels and last for around 45 minutes each. Sessions involve a relaxing and slow style of yoga called yin yoga. Niemann describes yin yoga as “amazing.” 

Niemann says she plans to become a certified yoga instructor over March break. Niemann and Benetton will continue to run the club for the rest of their time at SPS, and their biggest priority is to share the benefits. “Yoga is for everybody,” says Niemann. 

If you hope to reduce stress and better prepare for an athletic season, or if you are just looking for something to do on a Thursday night, Yoga Club is for you. Keep an eye out for sunrise and sunset outdoor yoga sessions on Chapel Lawn and at the boat docks beginning this spring.


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