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iPad vs. Pen: Which is Better?

Graphic by Lily Reid '26

The digital age is taking over the all-so-common pen-and-paper note-taking methods, revolutionizing how faculty and students keep track of important information and prepare for assessments. Every day, it seems that more students are using an iPad in class to take notes and in extreme cases, replacing their laptop entirely. I am always intrigued by what is happening on the device that my normal pen and paper cannot achieve. 

The iPad boasts an incredible note-taking arsenal littered with features such as the vibrant touchscreen display or nifty “Pencil.”  The ease of access and synchronization between devices and apps is revolutionary and the idea of always having access to the notes you took in class is an exciting concept for many. Part of the fun in returning to my dorm every night is the great adventure of going through my notebook-ridden backpack as I try to locate the math worksheet that I swear I put in my laptop pocket or the humanities notes I placed somewhere in its back compartment. Not having this sense of exhilaration every night and being able to digitally access everything on my iPad would leave me with a reason not to procrastinate on completing my work. It makes me wonder if modernization is the solution to all of our problems. 

Alex Park ‘26 is an avid iPad note-taker and loves the device, sharing, “Yeah, the iPad is great. All my notes are in one place, and I never lose any assignments.” However, Park admits that “my productivity may have gone down a bit due to the constant access to the internet, but it is nothing to worry about.” Park makes a good point and he has changed how I view the iPad as a tool. While becoming an iPad user is chic, edgy, and modern today, perhaps eventually, everyone will be an iPad user and it might just become another boring norm.

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