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Letter to my Younger Self: Ms. Kirsten McKinney

Graphic by Kennedy Hinojosa '24

Dear Kirsten,


Please realize you are enough, and that you don’t need to be anyone other than who you are right here and right now. Because in every moment, you have brilliance in you; you just have to allow it. The only thing you need to do is be your authentic self: not the “you” you feel others want or need you to be, the real you. You are a unique, beautiful artist regardless of stereotypes; there is a place for you in this artistic world, and you will find your way. Do not be afraid to dream big; if others can do it, why not you? Trust.


Fellow students and even adults can be cruel, so try to not take these actions or words so personally. Most importantly, learn to talk to the people you trust when times get to be so overwhelming that maintaining your exterior shell becomes difficult. When that begins to crack, seek family, friends, the people who love you, and it will soon be repaired. Learn that joy is a choice you can make every day, and choose joy more often.


Be patient with yourself. Different parts of your life will arrive when they are meant to arrive. Rushing your present will not make the future happen sooner, nor will those dreams happen faster. It will only make you regret you didn’t get to know yourself and people around you in an authentic way.


People say, “don’t sweat the small stuff,” but in your business, you need to pay attention to the small stuff and, at times, “sweat it.” For that is where true art lives: in the details. However, nothing ever goes according to plan, whether it be work or life. So be flexible and allow everything to unfold. That is where the magic can be found. Learn to allow life to unfold like a scene, but always be prepared for when luck knocks. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity, so be ready.


Mostly, embrace all of life and everything it has to offer, and do not just focus on your career. In the end, it’s the relationships you have that matter and not the career or awards. Live life to its fullest, practice more self-care, and allow people to care for you.


I will not say that all of this is easy, because it isn’t. Life is full of peaks and valleys, as dad would say. He also taught me that “it’s in the valleys where we build our strength, our resilience, perseverance, in those valleys we find growth. Do not be afraid of them.” Thank you, Dad.


Have fun on the ride of life. It will be fun, there will be lots of tears, and there will be oh-so-much fun and joy. I am not sure how this journey will end, but I know one thing, Kirsten, if you stay true to yourself, you will live a life of no regrets.


Remember this: As with Tech Week and Life: There is no way but through.


Love you always,


Written by Ms. Kirsten McKinney, SPS Faculty

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