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Making the Most of MISH

As the spring sun begins to thaw the remnants of winter’s chill at St. Paul's, a palpable buzz of excitement and mystery envelops the campus. This phenomenon isn’t just any spring fever; it’s the anticipation of MISH, a mysterious yet cherished tradition woven into the fabric of the SPS community.

To any new Paulie, the term MISH might initially suggest confusion or a chaotic mix. However, there's no need for concern. Far from being a disorganized jumble, MISH is a delightful spring celebration thoughtfully organized by our Missionary Society, which also lends its name to the event. MISH, an acronym enveloped in as much tradition as the celebration itself, signals an unexpected pause from the rigorous demands of academic and athletic pursuits during the Spring Term. It begins with an announcement by the Missionary Society—a group of students dedicated to bolstering our School's community impact. This announcement sets the stage for an all-School dance, leading to a day without classes. This break provides students with a much-needed opportunity to breathe and immerse themselves in the splendor of spring.

This unique holiday begins with rumors and guesses swirling around campus about its date, adding to the excitement and suspense. The announcement is made with the Missionary Society revealing the day and theme of the event. Last year in Chapel, Mish was announced as a glow-in-the-dark dance in Raffini Commons. When the announcement finally comes, it’s a rush to prepare for the evening’s festivities while managing classes and athletics that continue despite the evening’s events.

The day after the dance, the campus takes on a different character. The usual hustle and academic fervor give way to a more relaxed, festive atmosphere. Pelicans often sleep in, savoring the rare luxury of a slow morning. Many venture into Concord to dine with friends, shop, or simply enjoy the change of scenery. While some flock to the Chapel lawn, which becomes a gathering spot for those seeking to relax and relish the springtime weather, others organize trips to Boston or nearby towns to explore and take advantage of the rare opportunity to travel beyond Concord.

For first-time MISH celebrants, my best advice is to embrace the day without overplanning. The essence of MISH lies in its spontaneity and the joy of the unexpected. Whether you’re sleeping in, enjoying a leisurely brunch, spending time with friends, going to town, or just relaxing, the day is yours to enjoy in whatever way makes you happiest.

However, beyond the fun and festivities, MISH carries more profound significance. It’s a reminder of our School's robust tradition and the importance of taking a moment to breathe amidst SPS’s academic fury. Let’s make the most of this day in the spirit of MISH. Let’s celebrate the joy of being part of this community and the beauty of spring at SPS. Whether you’re hitting the dance floor, enjoying the tranquility of the Chapel lawn, or adventuring beyond Concord, remember that MISH is about finding joy in the moment and each other.

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