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Rogue: Spring Fashion, Gypsy Rose, and More

Howdy, Roguers! We’ve noticed a lack of viewership recently and would love to maybe receive some feedback. Are there really Roguers out there? Waiting for some acknowledgment past our closer circles. Hoping for some true fans to reveal themselves. Regardless, despite our insecurities, we prevail. We give you, Rogue #5:

Spring Term came in hot. Right off the bat, Hugh Camp Cup. Who is Hugh, and what did he do with that cup? I hope someone has written a speech about our musings. We saw some really creative speeches this year. Let's shout out Justin Huang '25 for setting his first and last HCC speech to music and to Cole Fidler '25 for providing some concrete predictions for the future via the Simpsons. We can’t wait to see this year's winner.

Circling back to an earlier topic of ours: Gypsy Rose Blanchard. Blanchard has recently announced her separation from her husband, Ryan Anderson. Personally, we’re waiting for Pete Davidson to be seen on her arm. Nonetheless, we really thought that this love would last and are sad to see it go. Now that we’ve had a jailbreak from winter, is it time for a Gypsy-like romance? We’ve seen lots of coupling up already this term, just like in Love Island (EJ’s favorite show right now). Glad to see everyone getting back out there. Stay bold.

Let's talk about Spring fashion. We’ve noticed that our community has been drawing lots of inspo from our Dear Hannah Prep girls. We not only have noticed this, but we encourage it. We particularly have noticed the resilience of the Dear Hannah Prep girls' social media team. Whether you opt for the DHP style or choose a more granola-esque path, we can’t wait to see your Spring outfits as the weather warms up.

Finally, we’d like to highlight Cole Edwards '24 for crafting sentimental compilations as the Form of ‘24 graduation draws near. This Spring, we look forward to spending our last two months with our beloved seniors.

Peace and love, 

Nel and EJ 

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