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Rose Sale Updates

Graphic by Julia Koeman '25

The Rose Sale is an annual event that the International Society holds to not only fund their chosen nonprofit of 25 years, Doctors Without Borders, but to also spread love and strengthen our community here at St. Paul’s School.

Doctors Without Borders offers assistance to people who need medical attention all across the world. They help both those displaced by conflict and people who have suffered through natural and human disasters, as well as those who have been excluded from getting the care they need previously. The organization also treats an array of medical conditions including but not limited to malnutrition and antibiotic resistance. All the money made from rose sales here at SPS will be sent to Doctors Without Borders. 

Each year, students have the opportunity to buy a rose for a friend or someone they care about to make their day on Valentine’s Day. It’s a simple act that will add happiness to Winter Term, and it supports an excellent cause.

“The Rose Sale is the International Society’s biggest event for Winter Term each year,” said Nathan Rosenzweig ‘24, Head of the International Society. The International Society has already finalized about 20 rose orders since their Chapel announcement, and the numbers are still growing. The goal is to break the school record of roses sold this year while concurrently making the world a better place. The Society is encouraging everyone to participate and buy a rose, not only to keep morale up during the slush-filled and gloomy days of Winter Term, but to also make the world healthier and happier.


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