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Self Care with Mayu: Skincare

Hey SPS,

Graphic by Julia Koeman '25

Today’s topic is skincare basics. Let's first start by asking: what is skincare? Skincare is the act of taking care of, nourishing, and taking further steps to keep your skin healthy and clean. Some of you might have a skincare routine, and some may not, but that is completely fine because one of the basic rules of skincare that I follow is to do what works best for you. We all know the endless viral skincare products and trends we see online and instantly want to try them out (it’s okay; I was a victim, too), but I soon realized that some of these remedies were making my skin worse! To help you out today, I want to construct a basic skincare routine for you.

First, use a gentle cleanser twice daily (or once if you have dry/sensitive skin). Cleansing your skin at the end of the day ensures that all the grime, oil, and sweat are removed from the surface of your skin. Much like the way you wash your hands! When looking for a cleanser, try your best to find one that is fragrance-free, as fragrances can irritate the skin if you have dry/sensitive skin. While drying your face, pat it dry gently instead of rubbing it! Also, you may want to try switching to paper towels since towels can harbor bacteria.

After cleansing, apply serums, toners, or just your regular facial moisturizer. If you have additional products you want to use, try applying them from thinnest to thickest consistency and locking in all of that moisture with a moisturizer at the end. Having a cleanser and moisturizer is optional, but some people like to take extra steps to nourish their skin!

I hope these were some helpful tips for the next time you do your skincare!



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