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St. Paul's Form of '25 Elects Sixth Form Officers

Kevin Wu is our new StudCo President for the Form of 2025. Wu is 16 years old and from Toronto, Canada. Wu plays the clarinet and loves to cook… or at least to watch cooking videos. “It’s going to be a lot of work, but it is going to be fun to deepen connections with everyone, especially with people I haven’t gotten to know that well,” says Wu. Wu is a wonderful representation of our school, and the ‘25s are so happy to have him as the face of our form. “I'm just excited to put smiles on people's faces,” Wu continues. Congratulations to Kevin Wu, our new StudCo President!

Ian Chang is our new StudCo Vice President for the Form of 2025. Ian is 17 years old and from Providence, Rhode Island. Chang is excited to give the community what they want next year. “I have many goals, but whatever the people want, I’m doing,” says Chang. He is known to be casually dominating Spikeball when the weather gets warm, and, of course, Chang loves his “boys” in Foster House. VP looks good on you, Ian Chang, and it's about to be electric next year! Congratulations!

Gretta White is our new StudCo Secretary for the Form of 2025. White is 18 years old and from Shelburne, Vermont. White is excited to lead SPS to greatness next year through her unique ideas and infectious enthusiasm. “I’m really looking forward to working with my fellow SFOs and the whole school to create lasting memories,” notes White. Fun fact: White enjoys swimming, whether it be at the docks or back in Vermont. “Shoutout to those who loved playing mermaids back in the day,” she jokes. White is a talented and personable leader, and SPS is so grateful to have her representing our form. Congratulations Gretta White!

Olivia Blanchard is our new StudCo Treasurer for the Form of 2025. Blanchard is 18 years old and has lived in Concord, New Hampshire, for the past 12 years of her life. Those who know her closely know that Blanchard is a people person, and she is excited to continue to talk with familiar and new faces alike. “My goal is to be creative,” says Blanchard. “Where there is creativity, there is innovation.” In her free time, Blanchard dabbles between the upright bass and the electric bass guitar. The SPS community welcomes Blanchard with open arms as next year’s Treasurer. Congratulations, we can’t wait to hear more of your tunes next year!

Photos courtesy of the SPS Directory


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