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Stella at SYA: Answering All Your Burning Questions

Graphic by Julia Koeman '25

As the year is approaching its end, I’ve decided to write an article answering all your burning questions (that I’m sure you’ve been wondering).

Starting strong: “Who even are you?” So, that’s a tough one. I embarked on my French experience last year during the fall, submitting my application in January and eventually saying yes in March. I like French, and I like adventure even more. So the opportunity to “set sail” across the pond piqued my interest the moment I discovered School Year Abroad.

Coming in hot: “Why French?” Back in my younger days, I was a dedicated and loyal Latin student; however, upon realizing that the language wouldn’t help with my SAT, my mom told me I should take French. As I’m someone who's easily swayed, I journeyed into my first-ever French class with M. Hutter (he was the best).

Next, and likely the most pressing issue on people’s minds: “Is French cuisine really all it’s hyped up to be?” The short answer to this is yes. Although I miss the casual Works bagel on a Sunday afternoon (partnered with an iced dirty chai latte with oat milk), French pastries are bottomless and the ratatouille is just as good as it looks in the movies. In fact, the ratatouille from the film is allegedly inauthentic; my host mom told me that “every French person knows that isn’t the real ratatouille.”

The next obvious question would have to be: “What is the best French pastry?” Unfortunately, this is not a simple question with a one-word answer. In truth, my answer changes every day! How could I choose just one mouth-watering, flaky, freshly baked pastry? (I’m lying; the best is a pain au chocolat.)

As you might be able to tell, I’m a pretty passionate French enthusiast, and at this point, I know basically all the ins and outs of the culture. (Also, this is not true.)

But seriously, this séjour abroad has truly changed my life, and I’m glad to have the opportunity to try the real ratatouille and, likewise, a true French pain au chocolat. 

In my smaller, slower moments of reflection I often think back to my third form French class, where my love for the language truly exploded. I met my favorite French students as we bonded over my horrible accent and the time I forgot what “yes” was in French (it's oui, FYI). Take the time in those intro-level language classes many of you are taking, because you never know where it could lead you later in life.

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