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The Rise of a New Era for Theater at SPS

Photo Courtesy of Kirsten McKinney

In 2023, Millville welcomed the newly-established Theater Company (TCo), a promising addition to the vibrant arts community at St. Paul’s School. As the curtains rise on St. Paul’s fledgling theater company, a new era of storytelling and performance has begun. 

The Theater Company was in the planning stages throughout the 2022-23 school year, and Director of Theater Kirsten McKinney announced its official establishment with 20 students. The formal requirements are prior involvement in at least two shows at SPS, enrollment in a theater course during one term, current involvement in either the Fall Play or the Spring Musical, and an audition. 

While the prerequisites may seem daunting to some students, McKinney says there is fluidity in the selection process, and that one of the standout features of TCo is its dedication to inclusivity. The company actively encourages participation from individuals of all backgrounds. 

Under the leadership and guidance of this year’s captains, Gabriella Purvis ‘24, Annabella Bernhardt ‘24, Mason Deas ‘24, Technical Theater Captain Jane Lee ‘24, junior captain Kitty Diamond ‘25, and McKinney, TCo has had an amazing start with its Fall Play. Clue, a theatrical adaptation of the classic board game of the same name, was a major hit with the SPS community. New Space Theater was fully booked and flooded with laughter and shock as the murderer was revealed.


The company plays a significant role in being involved in and aiding the process of the three main productions: the Fall Play, Student-directed Winter One-Acts, and the Spring Musical. Leaders also plan to expand the joy of creating and experiencing theater to the wider community more frequently. “I hope TCo becomes a group that gives the focused theater students here at SPS more opportunity to share and do their art with each other and the community,” says McKinney. “In the future, I do hope that we can establish connections with the greater Concord community and give back with our art by visiting schools and other organizations.”

Anticipation is building for the diverse range of productions that the Student-directed Winter One-Acts has in store. From thought-provoking dramas to lighthearted comedies, each play is expected to be a unique and unforgettable experience for theater enthusiasts and newcomers alike.

The establishment of TCo has breathed new life into our campus arts scene, providing a platform for creativity, expression, and exploring diverse perspectives. TCo invites everyone, whether a seasoned theatergoer or a newcomer to the world of drama, to join on this exciting journey. 

This theater column will be back every issue to update the SPS community on what the theater company and department have been planning and creating to bring smiles to Millville. Get ready to applaud, laugh, and reflect as this new theatrical force takes center stage. The spotlight is on TCo, and the show has only just begun.

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