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What is Cricket?

As the new academic year begins to ramp up at St. Paul’s, there are many things to be excited about. Leaning into new classes, meeting different people, and bonding with teammates are all things students can look forward to. But amidst all the promise of the beginning of the year, one day stands out as an undeniable highlight: Cricket.

Originally meant to be a day off for a school-wide cricket tournament and the enjoyment of the vast and beautiful school grounds, the Cricket holiday is a randomly announced day off from classes in the fall term. Students spend time with friends, explore the campus trails, and enjoy the fall weather. It is announced by Rector Giles during Chapel in iconic fashion, as she asks students to open up their prayer books and turn to the Prayer for Holidays, by which time everyone will realize that Cricket is upon them. After calling the holiday, Rector Giles leads all new students on a walk to the boat docks, after which they are free to go shopping in town, relax on campus, or even get a leave and visit Boston.

However, Cricket is not the most highly anticipated event of the fall term solely because of the day of freedom which ensues. The real excitement of Cricket, it can be argued, is the whirlwind of feverish speculation leading up to its announcement. Students spread rumors that it will occur on a certain date, hold involved debates over which day’s schedule makes the most sense for a prospective holiday, and even take part in the dangerous practice of “playing the holiday,” which involves not doing homework the night before, in the suspicion that Cricket might come the following day. As someone who has played the holiday and gotten it wrong, I highly do not recommend anyone do this. You will only be playing yourself.

For all of its quirks, Cricket is an iconic aspect of the St. Paul’s experience, and the air of its announcement brings the school community together in a wonderful way that few campus events can match.


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