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What is the John Winant Society?

The John Winant Society is a student organization that focuses on diplomacy and ethics. The society has been a part of the St. Paul’s community for over 40 years and was named after one of the School’s most esteemed political leaders: John Winant, the 60th governor of New Hampshire and U.S.

Ambassador to Great Britain during World War II. One of the Society's focal points is the idea that international service is more than just politics and rather works hand in hand with peace, justice, and equality. At meetings, members discuss current world events, and its effect on communities and potential resolutions. For instance, when discussing the Gaza War, members brought up the history behind it, the effect on both communities involved, and possible ways to end the war. Though the group did get hit hard by the pandemic, Isa Martinez ‘24 strongly encourages SPS students to join the John Winant Society in anticipation for its strong return next fall. 

The Society has an impressive history of producing—and welcoming back—prominent leaders in foreign service. An example is Ambassador Jess Baily ‘74, whom the Society recently had the privilege to host for two Chapel programs. Ambassador Baily is a Yale University and Columbia University alumnus, the former U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia, a part of the Foreign Service, and the former Director of the Office of UN Political Affairs. SPS students alike often strive to make a global impact, akin to Ambassador Baily’s contributions. However, as busy SPS students, campus can sometimes feel like a bubble cut off from the world. Although it can be easy to forget about checking the news, staying aware and updated is as important as studying how to become a future leader. This is why the John Winant Society is critical to our School, Martinez notes, since it not only informs students about the world we live in but also fosters the idea that SPS students play an instrumental role as leaders today and will be the global leaders of tomorrow.


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