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What's in the Water: My Life Goal: Powder Chasing

Graphic by Julia Koeman '25

Since I explained why I wrestle in the last edition I thought I’d share about my passion for skiing. I try to spend every break doing some sort of skiing. I always try to fit in some time for the activity that brings me the most joy, especially because I live in New England. 

The act of skiing itself is unlike anything else in this world. Skiing is an individual sport that you do with other people, so regardless of whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, it works. As soon as you push off you’re completely alone, but as soon as you get back on the lift you’re with your bros. 

Every time I ski it’s a new feeling. Even if it’s the same trail I’ve skied hundreds of times, I am never on the same patch of snow, never at the same speed, and never feel the same way. But while the act of skiing is new and exciting each time, that isn’t the real reason I enjoy it so much. The real reason is how the setting makes me feel. “Freedom” is how I would describe skiing. When I am in the mountains I am at my most calm and serene state. It’s as if nothing can go wrong. The feeling of dry air running past my cheeks and the silence of the top of a mountain makes me forget every worry in the world and I think that’s important. 

During our long weekend amidst the workload of the winter term and the looming thoughts about college decisions, skiing made me forget about all my worries, allowing me to live in the moment. Just like I wrestle to build mental strength and tackle obstacles in life, I ski to separate myself from my negative thoughts. 

I’m making it a goal in my life to spend a month driving out West, powder chasing: following the snow hoping to align all your arrivals at specific mountains with their next storm cycle. You never know where you might end up or who you might meet. 

I hope that everyone reading this has something in their life that serves the same purpose skiing has in my life. Skiing has taught me that everyone should have that opportunity to have something that forces you to forget about everything else. This is freedom in its simplest form. 

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