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Why Marine Biology is the Best Science

With an intriguing basis, a dive into the mysterious, and a lot of water, Marine Biology is the right science for you. But don’t take my word for it, take the word of Barett Pickett ‘24, and Charlie Hepp ‘25. When prompted on why he chose to take marine biology, Charlie shared that he was “not only intrigued by the course but also by Mr. Cabot and his impact on the SPS campus.” He added, “Ever since I was a child I have always loved the ocean and beaches so I thought it would be a cool and challenging course to take.” But that is not even the best of it. When Barett Pickett was asked how he liked Marine Biology, he nearly went into tears. Once he collected himself, he was finally able to say that “ever since Freshman year at SPS there has been something missing in [his] life, but it wasn’t until Senior year when [he] started taking Marine Biology that [he] found out what was truly missing. Now that this gap is filled [he’s] happier than ever.” St. Paul’s don’t take my word for it, take the word of your peers who have changed their lives and molded into something better because of Marine Biology.

However, marine biology is not confined to the campus of St. Paul’s; It goes outside of the classroom too. Though we are high schoolers, we are often prompted to think about our futures, and despite the stress that doing so entails we have to think ahead. But where do we start? Well, this leads me to my next question: Have you ever wondered where you're going after college or what you want to do? If so, being a marine biologist is the answer for you. Marine biology isn’t just the best science. It is also the perfect profession and a profession that consists of truly life-changing experiences and aspects. Now even though we have heard how great marine biology is from Charlie Hepp and Barett Pickett, I believe that we need some more insight into what it is like as a profession and who else to go to but Mr. Cabot, the marine biology teacher here at SPS. When asked what he thought about Marine Biology, Mr. Cabot responded, “It is the most interesting diverse study which feels like you are descending into a completely foreign universe.” With nothing but love for their classes and professions, we are able to see the true impact that Marine Biology has on our community and everyone who decides to dive into the best end of science.

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